Heey Hey havent posted in a while soo sorry bout that yeah im kinda like blonde haha i lost my username and pass so i just figured out how to get it back now lol.... anyways hmm wuts new wit me??? well i now have like blonde hair lol i also have a wonderful b/f his name is clayton at first my mom Hated him but even tho she dosent want to addmit it i think she's starting to like him ... he's 21 i think thats why she dint like him lol but w/e....ummmm YOUTH COUCILS WAS FACKIN AWSOME!! loved iti have to say, umm we got to stay in girls stafff house soo fricken sweet...but uhhh i like apperantly accourding to my nutritionist have like a 99% chance of having celiac disease yeah its awsome and i cant have glueten or dairy or citris....so i was sick lots i almost was forced to go to the hospital....not fun not fun at all...umm im workin at dominos again but diffrent manager YEAH shes awsome i love working with her im also do like full time daycare but my mom had to take half of that over ....it wasent working with my schedual lol....but yeah anyways heyyyy dude my family and i are doin our christmas on the 15th its gunna rock and the were doin and ourreach dinner on the 23rd and then on the 25th were going into one of the old age homes and spending time with them and bring them cookies and flowers and any kind of gifts we can get...we dont have alot on Money so we dont know how much we can do ohhhh but also on the 23rd (by the way this is all in dec) but on the 23rd that night i get to go and hand out stocking too all the homeless ppls and like so into the shealters and like the needal drops and like rehab centers itsss sooo exciting i did it last yeah and omg IM STOKED to to it again like they people were sooo happy and like i felt so good doin it uhh little things like that makes my heart sing...but yeah so anyone that wants to do that its with Xtreame Outreach....its goin to be soooo fun and also i think we need vollenteeers for the dinner well its more like 3 dinners i think there all free there ment for like the homeless and low income people but like anyone can go and last year we made the new AND AND the fricken Mayor came and helped tooo it was sooo cool oh yeah and we also give PRESENTS out to all the kids in Blanshard court well anyone that knows victoria would know blanshard and its history but anyways my point is that all the familys livin ther have very lil money and so its sooooo coool to help provide so VOLLENTEERS PLZ....so if anyones interested calll me (1250) 888-8804, or my home # is (1250) 220-4660.....but yeah umm imm gunan go to beddderz pce love yah alll
Robbie and ben Cameron
Baby Anna Cameron
Me and Clayton(bad pic of me, but a good shot of my new hair)
Me and Miss Tasha(gunna miss you)<3